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The Buzz of Google Plus

Google Plus or Google+ or simply G+ has certainly created some buzz since launching in the social media arena in the past few weeks. It’s captured the attention of the technology, business and social media worlds. However, Google+ is still in beta format and only...

Social Media Glossary

Many who are new to social media find it quite overwhelming the jargon specific to each platform. This is particularly true for Twitter. Twitter almost has its own language which has been devised due to the 140 character limit. Twitter will make little sense until you...

Tips for Managing Your Twitter Account

In an earlier post we covered the big three social media networking sites being, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and the benefits of social media networking for getting your business and brand exposed. This post focuses on Twitter in more depth and offers some useful...

Social Media Networking – The Big Three

More than likely, by now you have a fair idea of what Social Media Networking is all about, and you could well be active in one or more of the available social media platforms. How do you choose what platforms to be involved in and which to leave alone – you can’t...

New Issue of the Social Media e-Books

With all the recent changes (and more to come!) to Facebook Pages, the ‘Social Media Setup Guide’ and ‘Social Media Support Guide’ have now been updated to reflect yet another lot of Facebook changes. Yes, these Social Media e-books are a...

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