How a virtual assistant can add a bit of polish to your business
Prior to venturing out on my own, I had extensive experience working in administration, quality assurance and business management. It was this solid foundation that provided me with the understanding, of the necessary bits and pieces involved, in running a well-rounded and successful business. So, let’s look at some ways a Virtual Assistant (VA) can support and be of assistance to your organisation.
200 Twitter inquiries goes to prove social media networking really does work
We have reached another milestone – 202 Twitter inquiries! I was going to share this with you at the 200 mark but another 2 jumped in so quickly and I wanted to acknowledge them too. Thanks to all of you who have helped me reach this amazing milestone in my business.

10 key benefits of social media marketing
Social Media marketing is a term we hear quite a bit these days – but what does it really mean for your business? Whether you’re marketing directly to consumers or businesses, here we explore the benefits of Social Media marketing and why it should be a priority for you.

5 reasons why hiring a virtual assistant is a good business strategy
1. Cost saving We all like to save a dollar or two where we can. If you’re a business owner, I’m sure you pay lots of attention to how you invest your hard earned money, (I know I do!) - particularly when it comes to hiring the necessary support. When you factor in...

7 tips for an active social media presence
There’s a few little things you can do which will ensure your social media presence remains active and engaging. These 7 tips will point you in the right direction.

Engaging vs Promoting. How does this affect your social media presence?
Is your business on Social Media? Are you getting mixed results with it? If so, you’re not alone. Over the years, I’ve seen many businesses struggle because they put too much emphasis on promoting their products and services and not enough effort into creating authentic ‘engagement.’ So what’s the difference?

A collection of inspirational business quotes to motivate
I have always been a bit of a fan of inspirational quotes. When I first joined Twitter I loved sharing inspirational business quotes including the popular #quote hashtag … until everyone was doing it! Mind you, it was a great way to build a following!
[VIDEO] First Follower: Leadership lessons from dancing guy
I stumbled across this video some time ago now. I found it to be a powerful leadership lesson and so it’s time to have it on this blog. Enjoy!

10 ways a Virtual Assistant can help boost your business productivity
Not sure what a Virtual Assistant can do for you to increase your business productivity? Read on to discover 10 ways a virtual assistant can help boost your business productivity.
[VIDEO] Simon Sinek – What makes a successful startup
I’m a big fan of Simon Sinek and sometime ago shared a favourite TEDx Talk he did ‘How Great Leaders Inspire Action’. Here’s another inspirational short interview for those small business owners.